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The passage suggests that which of the following is true concerning Virginia Woolf's appraisal of A Vindication of the Rights of Men and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman?
  • AWoolf was defending Wollstonecraft's theories against attacks by nineteenth—century critics who concentrated only on Wollstonecraft's notoriety.
  • BWoolf favored the advances proposed by Wollstonecraft and mistakenly assumed that they had become self-evident in the twentieth century.
  • C Woolf miscalculated the practical effects that the advances proposed by Wollstonecraft would have on society.
  • DWoolf decried the loss in the twentieth century of social progress made in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
  • EWoolf was reacting against what she considered a lack of originality on Wollstonecraft's part while calling for more sweeping changes than Wollstonecraft had proposed.


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