解析库 > Magoosh




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It can be inferred from the passage that the reason the author finds the Solutrean hypothesis both startling and paradoxical is that
  • A.ancient cultures were in most likelihood unable to develop such a sophisticated form of maritime transport that they were able to cross the Atlantic
  • B.it supports the Clovis school of thought, and posits the existence of a capacity not commonly associated with ancient people
  • C.the Clovis people had crossed from Siberia navigating across a difficult ice corridor, whereas the pre-Clovis people had sailed, with far less difficulty, across the Atlantic ocean
  • D.it suggests that the pre-Clovis people had a way to circumvent the ice-corridor, yet were unlikely to have traveled as far south as modern day Chile
  • E.it runs counter to one of the chief tenets of the“Clovis first”school of thought


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