Historical preservation societies preserve old structures to educate visitors about local history. These groups generally choose to preserve old houses that are considered beautiful, leaving less aesthetically pleasing structures to be demolished. Thus, by giving visitors the impression that all old buildings are beautiful, the groups systematically misrepresent history.
Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the argument?
A.The public is more likely to visit historical sites that are considered aesthetically pleasing than those that are not.
B. Most of the old structures that are not considered aesthetically pleasing are about the same age as the beautiful old houses that have been preserved.
C.Some old houses that were considered beautiful when they were built were subsequently rendered aesthetically unappealing by modifications.
D.Few old houses not preserved by historical preservation societies are maintained in good condition by the people who live in them.
E.Historical preservation societies generally photograph and document all old buildings and display those records at sites they have preserved.