解析库 > 2020年新阅读100篇




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It can be inferred that the author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about the Bill of Rights?
  • A.The Bill of Rights' importance in twentieth-century United States law and politics has been overemphasized by some scholars.
  • B.The diversity of views among the Bill of Rights' framers and ratifiers makes the search for any rights original meaning inherently problematic.
  • C.The omission of certain rights by the framers and ratifiers should limit the number of constitutionally recognized and protected rights today.
  • D.Establishing the original meaning of each clause will enable controversial issues to be settled according to the intentions of its framers.
  • E.Originalists have exaggerated the contributions of certain framers and ratifiers of the Bill of Rights while downplaying the contributions of others.


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