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Both claims, however, are questionable from the perspective of a strictly historical inquiry, however sensible they may seem from the vantage point of contemporary jurisprudence. Even though originalists are correct in claiming that the search for original meaning is inherently historical, historians would not normally seek to determine exactly what a specific clause or right meant when the Bill of Rights was adopted in 1791, because historians would not normally feel compelled to support attempts to make that "original meaning" binding today. The strictly historical purpose for an inquiry into the original meaning of specific rights would be to determine why a particular clause was adopted and to establish a baseline from which its subsequent evolution could be traced and evaluated.
Because of its proponents' pressing need to find determinate meaning at a fixed historical moment, originalism cannot capture everything that was dynamic and creative-thus uncertain and problematic-in Revolutionary constitutionalism, nor can it easily accommodate the diversity of views that explains why the debates of the Revolutionary era were so lively. A strictly historical approach, on the other hand. makes it clear that the framers and ratifiers of the Bill of Rights were struggling with complex questions, the novelty of which had carried them away from the received wisdom of their time and was forcing their ideas about rights and the protection of those rights to continually evolve.
以上解析由 考满分老师提供。