Until the early 1900s, there was little discussion by art critics of still-life painting in the United States. While portraiture and landscape painting were discussed in terms not only of their leading practitioners but of their implications and relative merits, still life, when mentioned at all, was usually denigrated as a theme unworthy of serious consideration by either critic or artist. Among the objections raised against still life were that it represented "low subjects," inanimate objects such as fruits and flowers, and that artists choosing the genre aspired only to exactness of imitation.
Since 1900, however, new value has been placed on personal expression and artistic execution, regardless of subject matter, and critics have come to recognize the individuality that an artist brings to a rendering of the various subjects of the still life. Today critics see that still life may evoke a mood or reflect cultural or economic conditions.
Since 1900, however, new value has been placed on personal expression and artistic execution, regardless of subject matter, and critics have come to recognize the individuality that an artist brings to a rendering of the various subjects of the still life. Today critics see that still life may evoke a mood or reflect cultural or economic conditions.
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