People who suffer a heart attack on an airplane are at particular risk because of the relatively long time it takes to get them to a hospital. Last year Minerva Airlines trained its cabin crews in the use of on-board defibrillators to restart the heart. Since then the survival rate for passengers who suffer heart attacks on Minerva flights has increased. Even so, the training might not have contributed to this increase because ________________.
Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
A.the risk of suffering a heart attack increases with age and the average age of passengers has decreased somewhat since last year
B.few other airlines equip their planes with defibrillators or train their cabin crews in the use of them
C.Minerva now offers fewer transoceanic flights than it did last year
D.the electrical impulse delivered by a defibrillator can, if administered to a person with a normal heart rhythm, induce an abnormal heartbeat
E.heart attacks can sometimes be triggered by stress, which is increased by airline travel