The new editor's (i)_____________ has unquestionably benefited the magazine, It has reorienfed the publication toward (ii)_____________ joumalism and rescued it from the (iii)_____________ course it had been pursuing in recent vears, when it expanded its coverage of frivolous celebrity gossip to compete with tabloids. l may not sell as many copies as it once did, but it is a better, more eamestly thoughtful magazine.
Blank (i)
- Blank(i)
- business acumen
- political passion
- whimsical aesthetic
- Blank(ii)
- popular
- sensational
- serious
- Blank(iii)
- misguided
- weighty
- highbrow
business acumen , sensational , misguided 显示答案
以上解析由 考满分老师提供。