解析库 > 2021年10月全球GRE机经题




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Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the argument?
  • A.Whether carrying large ceramic jars containing liquid cargo increased the likelihood that a ship on the Doridian Sea in that period would be wrecked
  • B.Whether the total volume of shipping across the Doridian Sea varied significantly from century to century during that period
  • C.Whether in the Donidian Sea during that period cargo ships were significantly more likely than other ships to be shipwrecked
  • D.Whether the majority of wrecked ships discovered in the Doridian Sea that date from that period carried any other merchandise in addition to cargo stored in large ceramic jars
  • E.Whether there is a method of reliably identifying the specific cargoes carried in large ceramic jars found in the vicinity of ancient shipwrecks


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