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The author mentions Medea primarily in order to
  • A. give an example of a play in which references to certain authors can be used to determine when the Marci Lucii Annei Senecae Tragoediae were composed
  • B.acknowledge the possibility that the Marci Lucii Annei Senecae Tragoediae may have been written by Quintilian rather than Seneca
  • C.suggest that certain of the Marci Lucii Annei Senecae Tragoediae may have been written near the end of Seneca's lifetime
  • D.argue that Marci may have been one of the last of the eight plays in the Marci Lucii Annei Senecae Tragoediae to be written
  • E. indicate how the latest possible date for the time period during which the Marci Lucii Annei Senecae Tragordiae were composed might be established


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