解析库 > 阅读冲刺练习




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In the passage, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles?
  • A.The first states observation the accuracy of which is challenged in the passage; the second is part of the ground on which that challenge is based.
  • B.The first states observations that, according to the passage, are incompatible with a certain hypothesis; the second is part of the grounds offered in support of a revision of that hypothesis.
  • C.The first states observations that, according to the passage , can be reconciled with a certain hypothesis; the second describes a phenomenon that is factual basis of that reconciliation.
  • D.The first presents a phenomenon, two competing explanations of which are considered in the passage; the second is the explanation of the phenomenon that the passage argues is correct.
  • E.The first provides evidence against a position; the second is that position.


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