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Which of the following can be inferred from the passage concerning literary critics` evaluations of Dunbar`s poetry?
  • ADuring Dunbar`s lifetime, critics did not commonly evaluate his works according to aesthetic criteria.
  • BNegative critical evaluations of Dunbar`s poetry on social grounds caused his work to become less popular with the reading public in the periods following the First World War
  • CIn the period between the First World War and the 1970s, critics did not commonly evaluate Dunbar`s works in terms of psychological and historical considerations
  • DA reversal of a negative critical trend led to wider popularity of Dunbar`s works among the reading public in the 1970s
  • EIn the 1970s, scholars began to reevaluate Dunbar`s work in the light of James Weldon Johnson`s criticism of the limitations of dialect poetry


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