
Much of the literature about railroad seeks someone to _____, and it is thus replete with encomiums on entrepreneurs and managers.
To criticize a disaster film for being _____ is a bit silly, since people do not go to disaster movies to see an honest portrayed of reality.
Members of the union's negotiating team insisted on several changes to the company's proposal before they would support it, making it clear that they would _____ no compromise.
The activists` prodigious activity on behalf of both woman suffrage and the temperance movement in the late nineteenth century belies the assertion that the two movements were __________.
In light of the decades of dueling studies about whether the extinction of the dinosaurs resulted from an asteroid strike or from volcanic eruptions, it is increasingly apparent that the relevant mineral-deposit evidence is simply (i)_____, even if the scientists advancing the various claims sound (ii)_____.
The Hippocratic oath and other ethical codes that guided the medical profession for centuries generally (i)_____the notion of truth telling; indeed, one of Hippocrates` injunctions-to keep the sick from harm and injustice-encouraged the opposite behavior, (ii)_____.
In science, not all errors are (i)_____: historians have unearthed a number of instances in which an incorrect idea proved far more (ii)_____ than thousands of others that were trivially mistaken or narrowly correct. These are the (iii)_____ mistakes: errors that touch on deep, fundamental features of the world around us and prompt further research that leads to major breakthroughs. Mistakes they certainly are, but sciences would be far worse off without them.
Although in Europe after the First World War meteorology held the same rank as astronomy, in the United States top academic institutions did not treat it as a field __________ any physical science.
In one commentator`s view, modern free traders are complete __________ because they show no interest in practicality, nuance, or flexibility on the issue of free trade.
The main thrust of her argument was that wage differences, far from being __________, do in fact reflect education, skills, experience, and other factors that make employees more productive.


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