解析库 > 1999




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The passage asserts that one reason that oceans become enriched in oxygen – 18 as ice sheets grow is because
  • Awater molecules containing oxygen –18 condense and fall as precipitation slightly sooner than those containing oxygen –16
  • Bthe ratio of oxygen- 18 to oxygen- 16 in water vapor evaporated from oceans is different from that of these isotopes in seawater
  • Cgrowing ice sheets tend to lose their oxygen- 18 as the temperature of the oceans near them gradually decreases
  • Dless water vapor evaporates from oceans during glacial periods and therefore less oxygen-18 is removed from the seawater
  • Ethe freezing point of seawater rich in oxygen-18 is slightly lower than that of seawater poor in oxygen- 18


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