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Which of the following, if true, suggests that the epidemiologist's plan for eliminating malaria is not viable?
  • A.A person who is infected with malaria can infect a mosquito that is not carrying malaria, if that mosquito bites such a person.
  • B.Unless a mosquito bites an infected person, and then bites a non-infected person, malaria cannot be passed directly from human to human.
  • C.Malaria is still endemic in many parts of the world, and many health workers believe that the global eradication of malaria is not possible.
  • D.Some people in areas where malaria is rife have developed an immunity to mosquitos, yet they are also show a higher incidence of genetic disorders such as sickle-cell anemia.
  • E.Mosquitos in many developing parts of the world are responsible for passing on a variety of viruses to human hosts.


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