The greater the number of autonomous departments in a government, the more essential is a high level of cooperation. Increased numbers of autonomous departments demand a larger number of specialized policy makers, which leads to a greater burden on administrators and, possibly, to a greater number of difficulties in setting a general policy
There are always greater numbers of autonomous departments in democratic governments than there are in centralized governments.
Which of the following statements must be true if all of the statements above are true?
A.Difficulties in setting general policy occur more often in centralized governments than they do in democratic governments.
B.There are more specialized policy makers in centralized governments than there are in democratic governments.
C.A high level of cooperation is more essential in democratic governments than it is in centralized governments.
D.An administrator's job is easier in a democratic government than it is in a centralized government.
E.Autonomous departments operate with greater efficiency in democratic governments than they do in centralized governments.