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Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
  • Aexperts who knew the results of the pigment analyses reexamined these paintings and found no previously unnoticed stylistic similarities between the Altamira paintings and the paintings in the third group
  • Bthere are certain stylistic features that the Altamira paintings share with all known paintings of their period and do not share with the El Castillo paintings
  • Cbefore dating by pigment analysis was widely practiced, stylistic similarities were the only means of determining whether two prehistoric cave paintings dated from the same period
  • Ddetermining the age of a prehistoric cave painting simply by reference to the age of the pigments used in that painting substitutes technology for artistic judgment
  • Ethere are experts who maintain that the results of the recent pigment analyses leave the striking stylistic similarities between the El Castillo paintings and the Altamira paintings unexplained


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