In a street-sanitation study in Metroville this year, 75 percent of residential city blocks were rated "clean" or "very clean," whereas in a similar study a decade ago only 40 percent were rated "clean" or better. Therefore a resident of Metroville today is more likely to live on a clean or very clean city block than a resident a decade ago.
Which of the following. if true most seriously weakens the argument?
A.Industrial pollution in Metroville has increased dramatically in the past decade
B.Metroville now spends 30 percent less money than it did a decade ago to clean residential streets.
C.Very few of the people who have moved to Metroville in the last decade report the cleanliness of residential streets as a factor in their decision.
D.The percentage of Metroville's residential blocks that were rated "unacceptably dirty" was just as high this year as it was a decade ago.
E.This year, unlike a decade ago, the majority of blocks rated "clean" or better consisted mainly of single-family houses rather than apartment buildings.