Sunlight is composed of different colors of light, which differ in how far they penetrate a given medium. Seawater is most deeply penetrated by blue light, and at depths near 1,000 meters the sunlight is almost entirely blue. However, a few fish species living at such depths have eyes with lenses tinted so that they filter out blue light but not light of any other color.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why those fish species benefit from having such lenses?
A.Most of the fish with the tinted lenses hunt from below, locating their prey by the shadows passing overhead.
B.In general, the fish with the tinted lenses feed on fish and other marine organisms that live at depths near 1,000 meters or deeper.
C.The eyes of most fish that live significantly below the surface waters can detect light of only a limited color range.
D.Most marine organisms living at depths near 1,000 meters are bioluminescent, emitting green light that is hard for most fish to distinguish from the background sunlight.
E.Below 1,000 meters there is, on average, another 3,000 meters of ocean depth in which there is no sunlight at all.