Recent archaeological excavations of the massive warehouses of Huanuco Pampa-an important city in the Incan empire of the twelfth to sixteenth centuries一initially led archaeologists to believe that the city was a center for the distribution of food and goods to settlements in the surrounding region. However, excavations in those settlements have yielded few traces of the pottery containers used to store goods in Huanuco Pampa's warehouses. This absence of pottery traces is inconclusive, since goods may have been distributed in containers other than those belonging to the warehouses.
One sixteenth-century Spanish document may inadvertently reveal the answer: while detailing countless instances of goods being brought to the warehouses from the surrounding region, the document says nothing about goods being distributed throughout the surrounding region from the warehouses. Thus initial suggestions about the city s role as a distribution center may be incorrect: Huanuco Pampa's reason for maintaining these huge warehouses may have been simply to ensure its own well-being during periods of hardship.
One sixteenth-century Spanish document may inadvertently reveal the answer: while detailing countless instances of goods being brought to the warehouses from the surrounding region, the document says nothing about goods being distributed throughout the surrounding region from the warehouses. Thus initial suggestions about the city s role as a distribution center may be incorrect: Huanuco Pampa's reason for maintaining these huge warehouses may have been simply to ensure its own well-being during periods of hardship.
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