It is highly significant that compared with fellow Renaissance artists Michelangelo and Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci was (i)_____ the ancient world, which many in the Renaissance viewed as a model of heroic behavior in art. To be sure, Leonardo was not (ii)_____ antiquity: a recently discovered drawing for a statue of Hercules sheds light on Leonardo's plan for a major work concerning that hero of ancient Greek mythology. But there was something in the Renaissance reverence for antiquity as a fixed value, as an ideal outside time, that (iii)_____ Leonardo's fascination with the immediate, the mutable, and the elusive.
- Blank(i)
- far less fascinated by
- not at all inspired by
- more slavishly devoted to
- Blank(ii)
- indifferent to
- obsessed by
- uncritical towards
- Blank(iii)
- never quite accorded with
- provided the rationale for
- served as the model for
far less fascinated by , indifferent to , never quite accorded with 显示答案
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