解析库 > 绝密机经模考一




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The "two possible explanations" include which of the following?
  • ARoman soldiers who plundered Hellenistic sites probably carried off relatively small and easily portable objects of value, leaving larger objects behind
  • BRoman soldiers who plundered Hellenistic sites did not carry off furniture because they had developed a preference for Asian rather than Greek furniture styles
  • CLuxurious furniture was taken from Hellenistic sites by Roman soldiers but was not displayed among their plunder when they returned to Rome
  • DValuable furniture was possibly present at Hellenistic sites when Roman soldiers plundered them but was left behind because its luxuriousness was considered distasteful
  • EIt is likely that much of the plunder taken from Hellenistic sites by Roman soldiers was fragile and therefore did not survive transport to Rome intact


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