解析库 > 2020年新阅读100篇




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Select the sentence in the first paragraph that suggests that scholars might be led to underestimate the extent of the connection between certain manuscripts.
  • AThe history of the transmission of ancient Roman texts prior to invention of the printing press is reconstructed from evidence both internal and external to the texts themselves.
  • BInternal evidence is used to reconstruct the relationship of the surviving manuscripts of a Roman text to one another, as represented in a modern stemma codicum: a diagram depicting the genealogical relationship of surviving manuscripts and those the stemma's editor believes existed at one time.
  • CStemmata are scholars' only road maps to textual connections based on internal evidence, but they may paint a distorted picture of reality because they diagram the relationships of only those manuscripts known or inferred today.
  • DIf surviving copies are few, the stemma perforce brings into proximity manuscripts that were widely separated in time and place of origin.
  • EConversely, the stemma can also bestow a semblance of separation on manuscripts written within a few months of one another or even in the same room.


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