

Six identical marbles are to be distributed among 4 cups numbered 1 through 4 so that in the resulting distribution there will be at least one marble in each cup. How many different distributions are possible?
The sequence $$a_1$$, $$a_2$$,.......$$a_n$$......... is defined by $$a_1$$=1, $$a_2$$=1, and $$a_n$$= $$a_{n-1}$$+ $$a_{n-2}$$ for all integers $$n ≥ 3$$. Which of the following values are terms of the sequence?

Indicate all such values.

Quantity A


Quantity B


The tick marks on the number line shown are equally spaced.

Quantity A


Quantity B


Quantity A


Quantity B


c is a positive constant, and $$x^{3}-x^{2}(2+ c) + 2cx $$= 0.

Quantity A

The product of all of the different values of x that satisfy the equation

Quantity B


|4x - 12| = 7x +3

Quantity A


Quantity B


A group of ten students had a meeting to discuss the books that they read last summer. The median of the numbers of books read last summer by the first nine students that arrived at the meeting was 5. After the tenth student arrived at the meeting, the median of the numbers of books read last summer by the ten students was 4.5.

Quantity A

The number of books read last summer by the tenth student

Quantity B



Quantity A


Quantity B


The table shows the prices of regular gasoline at four gasoline stations. A driver purchased gasoline at stations A and C. The number of gallons of gasoline purchased at station A was 20 percent greater than the number of gallons purchased at station C. The cost of the gasoline purchased at station A was approximately what percent less than the cost of the gasoline purchased at station C?
Which of the following expressions must be equal to (x+7)(x+5) for all x?

Indicate all such expressions.

In the figure shown, D is the center of the circle. What is the measure of angle ADC?
A woman donated 1 percent of her annual salary to a college, and 20 percent of her donation was deposited in the college's scholarship fund. What fraction of her annual salary was deposited in the college's scholarship fund?
The regular subscription rate for satellite TV service from Company S is $70 per month. The company offers new subscribers a one-year promotional rate consisting of a flat fee of $45 for the first 6 months of service and a fee of $42.50 per month for the next 6 months. If a new subscriber pays the promotional rate for the first year of service and then pays the regular rate for the second year of service, what is the percent increase in the total annual cost of service from the first year to the second year?

For the packaging material landfilled, the combined number of tons for the two types with the greatest numbers of tons landfilled accounted for approximately what fraction of the total number of tons landfilled for the five types?

In the circle graph shown, the measure of the central angle of the sector representing plastic is how much greater than the measure of the central angle of the sector representing metal?

Give your answer to the nearest whole degree.


The ratio of the number of tons of paper and paperboard landfilled to the number of tons of paper and paperboard generated is closest to which of the following?

What is the greatest prime factor of n?

1.3, 1.9, 2.4, 2.4, 3.6, 4.4, 5.3, 5.7, 7.5, x

The list shows the weights, in kilograms, of 10 packages shipped today by a certain company, where x is at least 7.5. If a and b are the average (arithmetic mean) and the median, respectively, of the weights, in kilograms, of the 10 packages, which of the following could be the value of a - b?

Indicate all such values.
Let a, b, and c be integers greater than or equal to 2. When b is divided by c, the remainder is 0. When a is divided by b, the remainder is c. Which of the following is equal to the remainder when a is divided by c?


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