

Given the many thematic strands that the book seeks to draw together into a continuous cord of narrative, it is perforce a work of _____________, which is not to say that the author's research fails to provide sufficient detail about each of his chosen themes.
The organization`s parlous fiscal condition led its members to expect that their plans for expansions would be ______________.
Parker's model of human affairs reflects (i) _____________outlook, in stark contrast to the generally (ii) _____________ analyses of her colleagues in the economics department.
For decades scientists believed in the (i) _____________of long-term memories; they were unstable for a few hours but then became etched into the brain for good. Current research, however, suggests that recalling a memory causes it to revert temporarily to an insecure state in which the recollection can be (ii) _____________. Thus, memory is much more (iii)_____________ than scientists had previously thought it to be.
The rebellion was _____________ one, driven less by ardor than by reason and calculation.
This novel is not great literature; there are too many characters, too many subplots, and no clearly defined protagonist, making for _____________story.
Despite their current reputation, the original Luddites were neither opposed to innovation technology nor _____________ using it: many were highly skilled machine operators in the textile industry.
El Greco was one of the most fervent of painters, to the extreme of mania, while Velazquez, by contrast, was one of the most ______________.
In spite of its rather (i) ______________ subject matter, Brinkley's is (ii)______________ work, one that is moderated by grace and restraint and tempered by an economy that in no way suggests timidity.
Seemingly (i) ______________ her reputation for tediousness, the university president (ii)______________ a casual, chatty style in the speech she delivered.
Most capuchin monkey conflict involves such a (i) ______________repertoire of gestural and vocal signals that it is difficult for researchers to tease apart the meanings of the individual signals. This (ii) ______________ is (iii) ______________ by the fact that many signals seem to shift in meaning according to the context in which they are produced and the developmental stage of the individuals producing them.
A (i) ______________ assumption of the model is that (ii) ______________ the living standards of people living adjacent to a protected area will necessarily enhance conservation within the protected area. Studies of conservation attitudes of people in South Africa and Tanzania have found a positive correlation between affluence and conservation attitudes, but it is unlikely that an improvement in the living standards of communities near protected areas will inevitably (iii) ______________ the long-term viability of many species within the protected areas.
The general claim that artists are the preeminent specialists in (i) ______________ is refuted by the obvious fact that the great mathematical and scientific discoveries of the past and present have been as much the result of (ii) ______________ thinking as have great (iii) ______________ discoveries.
It can be ______________ to see well-known historical figures played in films by actors who have become firmly associated in our minds with contemporary celebrity culture.
Despite much ______________ the county's political system, the fact that supporters failed in their attempts to change the constitution to allow the President to run again speaks well of the system's fundamental strengths.
Developments in neuroscience and animal behavior have led researchers to question the view that unmitigated competition is ______________ animal life: in primatology, the countermovement started with research into how friendships and conflict resolution favor survival.
Because they view Earth's resources as strictly limited, some environmentalists find the notion of sustainable growth to be ______________, believing that self-restraint and sacrifice must be at the heart of any environmentally sound strategy for the future.
Many readers today consider the moral sentiments expressed in the ancient writers` work to be quite vapid, and in the seventeenth century they were similarly regarded as _____.
Although evolutionary psychologists do not seem quite as imperialist in their intellectual ambitions as their sociobiologist forebears of the 1970s, they tend, in some critics` view, to be no less _____ in their claims.
Although evolutionary psychologists do not seem quite as imperialist in their intellectual ambitions as their sociobiologist forebears of the 1970s, they tend, in some critics` view, to be no less _____ in their claims.


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