解析库 > 2024年11月GRE命中机经




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Which of the following, if true, most helps resolve the apparent discrepancy?
  • A.In the 1920s, gulls' eggs from Boone Lake provided food for the residents ofnow-abandoned mining towns nearby.
  • B.The increased salinity of Boone Lake has damaged aquatic plants on which the fish feed.
  • C.The species of fish best able to survive in water with high salinity is not a prominent part of the diet of gulls.
  • D.Several species of fish that were commonly caught by people who fished in Boone Lake in the 1920s are no longer found in the lake.
  • E.Within the population of gulls at Boone Lake today, a number of diseases occur that did not occur in the population of the 1920s.


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