Since the 1920s the water of Boone Lake, a saline lake, has become increasingly salty. Between then and now, the increasing salinity of the water has caused a substantial drop in the lake's fish population, which has always been the principal source of food for Boone Lake's gulls. Even so, far from declining, the population of gulls at Boone Lake is known to be well above what it was in the 1920s.
Which of the following, if true, most helps resolve the apparent discrepancy?
A.In the 1920s, gulls' eggs from Boone Lake provided food for the residents ofnow-abandoned mining towns nearby.
B.The increased salinity of Boone Lake has damaged aquatic plants on which the fish feed.
C.The species of fish best able to survive in water with high salinity is not a prominent part of the diet of gulls.
D.Several species of fish that were commonly caught by people who fished in Boone Lake in the 1920s are no longer found in the lake.
E.Within the population of gulls at Boone Lake today, a number of diseases occur that did not occur in the population of the 1920s.