解析库 > 2020年新阅读100篇




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Which of the following, if true, calls the conclusion most seriously into question?
  • AIn the areas where lighting levels were changed, management observed workers particularly carefully and interviewed them about their work and working conditions.
  • BWorkplace safety rules define limits on lighting levels, and the changes in lighting levels did not take lighting levels in any of the factory's work areas beyond these limits.
  • CAt the time of the lighting changes, management made no efforts to boost productivity in the areas where lighting was not changed and made no such efforts other than the lighting changes elsewhere.
  • DBoth in the areas where lighting levels were increased and where they were diminished, management received complaints about the new lighting levels from some workers.
  • EA year after the lighting changes were made, productivity throughout the factory had returned to its prechange levels even though the lighting levels in the factory had not been changed again.


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