解析库 > 2023年09月22日GRE改革后机经




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Which of the following generalizations most directly underlies the author's central point?
  • A.Two different species of the same genus of birds may differ greatly in their characteristic behavior for reasons that have nothing to do with the environment in which they live.
  • B.Degrees of wariness tend to differ significantly among individuals of the same animal species as well as between different species within the same genus.
  • C.As human populations become more urbanized, humans become less attuned to the behavior of animals in their environment in ways that can negatively affect animals' reproductive success.
  • D.A given behavioral trait can have either a positive or negative effect on an animal's reproductive success depending on the behavior of humans in the animal's environment.
  • E.Human attitudes toward a given animal species tend to be somewhat arbitrary and are subject to change over time.


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