One function of male birdsong is to claim control over territory: the song of a particular male is associated with a particular territory. Individual male goldbeaks employ a wide repertoire of song variants. Some scientists hypothesize that the multiplicity of song variants can enable an individual male goldbeak to give the impression that a territory is inhabited by several male goldbeaks, thus discouraging competing male goldbeaks from intruding.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the scientists' hypothesis depends?
A.Goldbeaks are not the only species of bird in which individual males employ a multiplicity of song variants.
B.The variety of an individual male goldbeak's songs discourages other intruders besides competing male goldbeaks.
C.Other birds are less likely than male goldbeaks to have the ability to recognize whether two song variants have been sung by the same male goldbeak or two different male goldbeaks.
D.Male goldbeaks do not have distinctive individual voices that can be reliably recognized by other male goldbeaks.
E.Male goldbeaks trypically are able to control significantly arger territories than do most comparably-sized male birds of other species.