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The author uses the examples of "three upbeat movies and two musical comedies"(lines 9-10) primarily in order to demonstrate that
  • Awell-written novels like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur`s Court, regardless of their tone or theme, can be translated to the stage and screen.
  • Bthe American public has traditionally been more interested in watching plays and movies than in reading novels like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
  • CTwain's overall message in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur`s Court is one that had a profound impact on the American public.
  • DTwain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur`s Court has been a more popular version of the Arthurian legends than has Malory's Morte d`Arthur
  • EA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur`s Court has been accepted as an enjoyable and humorous tale in versions that have omitted the anarchy at the novel's conclusion


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