An herbal preparation frequently mentioned in ancient Mesopotamian texts as a treatment for arthritis has been formulated by modern scientists according to the ancient directions and has been found to have no effect on this condition. Clearly, therefore, there is no factual basis for the claim found in ancient texts that people taking this herbal preparation fared better than those resorting to other treatments for arthritis.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?
A.The various ancient texts that give precise formulas for the herbal preparation do not differ in the proportions they specify for the individual ingredients.
B.All of the ingredients in the herbal preparation are naturally occurring substances, whereas many modern arthritis drugs contain synthetic chemicals.
C.The herbal preparation was also used by ancient Mesopotamian people for certain conditions other than arthritis, and scientists have found it ineffective against those conditions as well.
D.Other treatments for arthritis that ancient Mesopotamian people frequently used instead of the herbal preparation have been found by scientists to aggravate the condition.
E.Many treatments for arthritis that were developed much more recently than the Mesopotamian herbal remedy have also been found ineffective by modem scientists.