Vitamin E helps the body eliminate harmful chemicals, so some health-conscious people take vitamin E supplements. There are two forms of vitamin E, and currently vitamin E supplements contain only the alpha form, while only the gamma form rids the body of
the destructive chemical peroxynitrate. As it turns out, there is enough gamma form contained in the typical diet to protect against peroxynitrate, yet even so, the gamma form should be added to Vitamin E supplements because _______________ .
Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
A.any boost in the level of the alpha form in a person's body will tend to suppress the level of the gamma form in that person's body
B.the alpha and the gamma forms can easily be combined in a stable form suitable for use in vitamin supplements
C.there are some foods containing high levels of the gamma form that are not a part of most people's diets
D.people who take vitamin supplements are more likely to maintain a diet containing high levels of the gamma form than are people who do not take vitamin supplements
E.in the process currently used to manufacture vitamin E supplements, the gamma form of the vitamin is actually removed as a result of steps taken to purify the alpha form