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Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the analyst's argument above?
  • ALast year, the Cooking Channel aired a few episodes of "Like This? Try That!" , a show in which chefs recommended foods similar in taste to known popular foods; the program was so popular that it will be released as a weekly national serial later this month.
  • BAccording to surveys, as many as 60% of Americans report being tired of eating the same foods over and over again.
  • CThe flavor or taste of any food depends on number of complex chemical properties, making it an extremely difficult quality to model with a computer program.
  • DThe human experience of a taste of any food has more to do, than most people realize, with the subtle scents received by the olfactory system.
  • EWhen a dish has a number of ingredients, adding or subtracting or substituting just one spice or flavor involved can radically change the overall taste of the dish.


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