解析库 > Magoosh




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Which of the following, if true, most helps to provide a justification for the manufacturer's and the industry analysts' optimistic expectations?
  • A.Land previously owned by small, independent farmers has been bought up and consolidated into large industrial farms, which have a much greater need of large farm equipment.
  • B.The manufacturer's new factory will be on or close to five different railroad lines, and is expected to have a beneficial impact on the struggling rail transport industry in the state.
  • C.The percentage of food imported into the state, from other states and from other countries, has increased significantly over the past 20 years.
  • D.The number of models of large farm machinery this manufacturer will offer is larger than the number of models offered by most other comparable manufacturers of large farm machinery.
  • E.Some crops grown in this state, like corn, enjoy substantial government subsidies and find a robust market in the food processing industries.


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