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Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest support for the argument given?
  • A.The drivers of vehicles behind a gravel truck are more likely to remain close behind the truck if the trucks cargo box is covered than if it is uncovered.
  • B.Most trucks that carry gravel already carry tarpaulins that their drivers use to cover the cargo box when they are carrying sand, which can blow out of the cargo box in significant quantities.
  • C.Of all the damage that occurs to vehicles on the highway, debris that flies off trucks is the cause of only a very small fraction.
  • D.The proposed law allows open-topped trucks on the highway to have uncovered cargo boxes whenever their cargo boxes are empty.
  • E.Because of the great weight of a load of gravel, the driver of a gravel truck is often driving much more slowly than most of the other vehicles on the road.


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