To reduce traffic congestion on Lochley city streets, a new road will be built to bypass the city. The road will offer a faster commute to nearly all people who live in suburbs and now commute via Lochley's streets to their jobs in other suburbs. Those cars constitute one-quarter of the cars now using Lochley's streets each weekday. Thus after the bypass road has been built, weekday traffic congestion on Lochley's streets will be substantially reduced.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A.Only a relatively small reduction in traffic congestion could be achieved by widening existing streets in Lochley.
B.Most of the suburban commuters now using city streets in traveling to jobs in other suburbs travel one person to a car.
C.Commuters who travel from homes in Lochley to jobs in the suburbs account for a small proportion of Lochley's traffic.
D.Few of the people who currently commute through Lochley stop there for shopping or other activities.
E.After the bypass road is built, Lochley will perform more of its maintenance work on city streets on weekdays.