解析库 > 阅读冲刺练习




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Which of following, if true, most helps to explain the low rate glaucoma-related blindness among patients who had the surgery?
  • AGlaucoma-related blindness is no more common among patients who have had only the surgery than it is among patients who had the surgery after using the eyedrops
  • BDoctors rarely recommend the surgery for glaucoma patients who have already started the traditional course of treatment
  • CThere is no known physiological cause of glaucoma other than increase in pressure inside the eye
  • DA significant percentage of the people for whom the eyedrop treatment has been prescribed fail to follow the prescribed daily regimen, because the eyedrops have unpleasant side effects.
  • EThe eyedrops traditionally prescribed to treat glaucoma are normally prescribed to treat other disease of the eye.


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