From 1970 to 1997, both the Canadian and the United States women's movements engaged with the partisan political process, albeit to varying degrees. Neither entered into a permanent, exclusive relationship with a political party, but both fostered ties with parties. Over time, voices contesting this partisan engagement grew stronger inside both movements, prompting some movement organizations to try to establish alternative routes for political engagement. This attempt, however ,does not support the contention by theorists of new social movements that women's movements, as so-called new movements, are predisposed away from the formal political process. Though these accurately identify the aversion of women's movements to the pragmatic deal making and vote chasing that characterize political parties, what they fail to capture is the equally powerful lure of partisan electoral politics. These contradictory impulses are manifested by the coexistence of partisan engagements and apartisan strategies within the movements.
Within the context of this contradictory relationship, United States and Canadian women's movements followed widely divergent trajectories. In the United States,the women's movement became increasingly involved in partisan electoral politics, while the Canadian movement's party alliances of the 1980s evolved into a largely apartisan orientation in the early 1990s. The relative strength of radical feminism within the Canadian women's movement constrained the extent of the movement's engagement in political arenas.
Within the context of this contradictory relationship, United States and Canadian women's movements followed widely divergent trajectories. In the United States,the women's movement became increasingly involved in partisan electoral politics, while the Canadian movement's party alliances of the 1980s evolved into a largely apartisan orientation in the early 1990s. The relative strength of radical feminism within the Canadian women's movement constrained the extent of the movement's engagement in political arenas.
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