AWA > Argument > Argument攻击套路12:比例与总量混淆


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Argument攻击套路12:比例与总量混淆 收藏 纠错

作者: 发布时间:2022-09-15


A 30% increase in seafood consumption at Bay City restaurants does notnecessarily indicate a sufficient demand for a new Bay City restaurant servingseafood dishes only. Although a 30%increase seems significant, the actual level of consumption might nevertheless be very low. This scenario is quite possible, especially considering thatthere are currently no seafood restaurants in Bay City. Lacking evidence that asignificant number of the city’s restaurant patrons are ordering seafood, the argument’s conclusion that a new seafoodrestaurant would be popular and profitable isunjustified.


The mere fact that the Saluda hospital receives fewer patient complaintsthan Megaville’s hospital provesnothing about either efficiencyor quality of care. Eventhough the number of complaints is smaller, thepercentage of patientscomplaining might be higher. Also, Megaville’s staff might openlyencourage patient feedback while Saluda’s does not. This scenarios with myobservation that for-profit orgnizations are generally more concerned withcustomer satisfaction than non-profit organizations are.


One such assumption is that the totalbudget for the two cities is about the same.It is entirely possible that Blue City’s total budget is no more than half thatof Parson City. If so, then the fact thatBlue City budgets only half as much as Parson City for its public schools would suggest at least the same degree of careabout public-school education among Blue City’s residents as among Parson’sresidents.

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