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填空题备考高分经验汇总 收藏 纠错

作者: 发布时间:2022-09-15


  并列关系最典型的一个连接词便是"and"。此外,indeed, just as, also, almost, even, similarly, correspondingly, accordingly, in the same way 等亦属并列关系。总之,凡是不含对立转折关系的大多可列入关列关系,解题时只需将相应的中心线索定位,找出一个同义词的选项即可。


  When I watch drivers routinely slam their cars to a halt, _ take corners on two wheels, and blunder wildly over construction potholes and railroad crossings, I consider it a _ to automotive design that cars don’t shake apart far sooner.

  (A) gradually ... curiosity

  (B) sensibly ... blessing

  (C) gracefully ... misfortune

  (D) habitually ... tribute

  (E) religiously ... instruction


  先处理空格。以When引导的从句描述了汽车司机的三个连贯动词,彼此以and连接,每个动词均以副词加以修辞,可将第一个动作slam前头的副词 routinely 移入空格,则求得其唯一的同义词 (D) habitually。空格"I consider it ... "中的"it " "that cars don't shake apart far sooner", 故代入空格II的名词应对此作出概括,(D)tribute为最佳,(B) blessing尚可。最终的正确答案为(D)


  routine: 1.例行的,惯例的 2.一般的,普通的

  automotive: 1.汽车的 2. 自动推进的

  sensible: 1.明智的,合情理的 2. (of )意识到的 3.有意识的

  blessing: 1.神赐,神恩 2.祷告 3.祝福 4.幸事,恩惠,喜事

  tribute: 1.贡,贡品()2.(表示敬意的)礼物,颂词,称赞

  religious: 1.宗教() 2.虔诚的 3.恪守宗教教规的 4.十分认真的,严谨()




  Human senses are designed to _ specific stimuli, and after a focus is achieved, other sensory data is _ .

  (A) look for ... heightened

  (B) respond to ... insulated

  (C) concentrate on ... discounted

  (D) favor ... added up

  (E) create ... born


  先处理空格。第一句与第二句之间以and连接,第二句的 after 一词更表明第二句即是在复述第一句中人类感官是如何对外部刺激"a achieve a focus"的,故可将 focus 以一动词形式(加接一适当的介词on)移入空格,则求得(C)concentrate on为正确。(B) respond to相对来说有一点儿的关联,但不及(C)来得具体有针对性。空格:作为动词,它与focus,同时也与concentrate on,构成反义词。既然注意力已全部汇集于某些特定的刺激或感觉数据,则其它的感觉数据便不再获到注意力的全神贯注,故求得(C)discounted(不信,漠视,不予考虑)。正确答案为(C)


  specific : 1.明确的,具体的,确切的 2.特有的,特定的,独特的

  stimulus : 刺激(),激励(),促进(因素) [stimuli为复数]

  respond(to)1.作答,回答 2.作出反应,响应

  insulate: 1.隔离,使隔绝 2.使绝缘,隔热,隔音




  Do not be _ by that fiery formula which springs from the lips of so many _ old gentleman: "I shall write to the Times about this outrage!"

  (A) dissuaded ... indefatigable

  (B) daunted ... irresolute

  (C) intimidated ... choleric

  (D) discredited ... crotchety

  (E) exasperated ... apathetic


  先处理空格。既然这些上了年纪的绅士惯常说出的话(formula)fiery的,即可推知他们已是激愤无疑,则(C)choleric(D) crotchety均相当贴切。空格处的激愤还可从句末的outrage(试考虑其同源形容词 outrageous)推知。在空格处:激愤之辞旨在气势凶凶地以势压人,故(C)intimidated(B) daunted为正确,(D) discredited不妥。最终的正确答案为(C)


  fiery: 1.火焰的,燃烧着的 2.如火如荼的,激烈的 3.易怒的,暴躁的

  formula: 惯用语句,俗套话

  spring: (话语等)突然来到(嘴边)

  outrage: 1.肆无忌惮的恶行 2.(由暴行而引起的)义愤,愤慨

  dissuade (from): 劝阻(某人)不做(某事)


  daunt: 威吓,使胆怯,使气馁

  irresolute: 优柔寡断的,犹豫不决的

  intimidate: 恫吓, 恐吓,威胁

  choleric: 暴躁的,激怒的

  discredit: 1.败坏的名声,诽谤 2.不可置信,证明是假的,对表示怀疑不信

  crotchety: 动辄发怒的,脾气坏的

  exasperate: 1.激怒,使恼怒 2.使(病痛等)加剧,恶化

  apathetic: 无感情的,冷淡漠然的




  Quentin was an enigma to the rest of us: smiling and relating amusing anecdotes one moment; sneering and hurling malicious barbs the next; philosophical and _ one day; hail-fellow-well-met and outgoing the next; unfeeling and flinty sometimes; warmly _ and giving at other times.

  (A) pragmatic ... withdrawn

  (B) depressed ... distant

  (C) introspective ... sympathetic

  (D) thoughtful ... hostile

  (E) taciturn ... loquacious


  本题两处空格均以and连接。空格应与此前的philosophical构成语义上的近似,则(C)introspective(D) thoughtful为俱佳。空格应与其后的(warmly giving)构成同()义,则(C)sympathetic为正确,(D) hostile可予排除。正确答案为(C)


  anecdote: 轶事趣闻

  sneer: 嗤笑,嘲笑,讥讽

  hurl: 1.猛投,力掷 2.发射(导弹等)

  malicious: 1.恶意的,恶毒的 2.意在伤人的,蓄意谋害的

  outgoing: 1.往外的,离去的,即将离职的 2.友好的,乐于助人的,爽直的

  barb: 尖刻伤人的话,讥剌

  flinty: 碎石()的,坚硬的,严峻的

  withdrawn: 1.沉默寡言,怕羞的,内向的 2. 孤僻的

  introspective: 内省的,自省的

  taciturn: 沉默寡言的

  loquacious: 过于健谈的,喋喋不休的


  对于余下的所有我们这些人来说,昆廷实在是一不解之谜:一会儿满脸笑容可拘且津津乐道于种种逗人的软事趣闻;一会儿却又冷嘲热讽,极尽恶意讥笑之能事;今朝象哲人似的耽于冥想自省,他日则摆出一副! 哥儿们,碰到你真高兴的随意不拘;时而冷漠无情,不为所动,时而又富于怜悯之心,热情地付出一切。


  Every year thousands of Moslems make a(n)_ to the holy city of Mecca.

  (A) expedition

  (B) tour

  (C) excursion

  (D) junket

  (E) pilgrimage


  本题五个选项均与出行相涉,但从上下文来判断,得知出行者为穆斯林(Moslems),目的地为圣地麦加,如此看来,此种出行带有绝然无误的宗教色彩,故(E) pilgrimage为正确。


  expedition: 远征,探险,考察

  excursion: 远足,短叙旅行,集体游览

  junket: 1.野餐,宴会 2.郊游,公费旅游

  pilgrimage: 朝圣,朝觐




  凡是出现but, yet, however, nevertheless, although, (even) though, while, whereas, notwithstanding, despite, in spite of, in contrast (to), on the contrary, on the other hand, whatever, otherwise, ironically, paradoxically, curiously, surprisingly 等带有转折逆转含义的题目,则代入空格的正确选项必与中心线索构成语义对立的反义词关系。

  例 ⅤⅠ

  It is true that seeds of some plants have_ after two hundred years of dormancy, but reports that viable seeds have been found in ancient tombs such as pyramids are entirely_.

  (A) received ... empirical

  (B) germinated ... unfounded

  (C) endured ... irrelevant

  (D) erupted ... reasonable

  (E) proliferated ... substantiated


  先处理空格:题内"It is true that..."代表了第一种说法,"but reports that..."代表了与第一种说法相反的情形。既然前者是确凿可信的”(true), 则后者应是虚妄谬误的,与true一词构成反义。(D) reasonable (E) substantiated (具体化的,被证实了的)构成的是同义关系,可先予排除。(A) empirical (经验主义的)无针对性。(C) irrelevant 意为不相关联的,它并不就意味着谬误的。唯 (B) unfounded (没有根据的,无稽之谈的)为正确。在空格处,所代入的动词用以描述 “seeds” 的某种情况,可将第二句中再涉及seeds这一概念时所用的viable一词以动词形式直接代入,则求得同义的(B)germinated一词。




  Even though some genetic mutations may be useful under certain circumstances, most are unconditionally _ in all existing environments.

  (A) expendable

  (B) androgynous

  (C) prevalent

  (D) ancillary

  (E) deleterious


  以Even though 引导的让步状语从句与主句构成对立相反的关系,将中心线索定位于useful一词,则求得其反义词(E)deleterious(有害的,造成伤害的)


  expendable: 可消耗的

  androgynous: 雌雄同序()的,两性畸形的,(服饰等)男女不分的

  prevalent: 普遍的,盛行的

  ancillary: 从属的,附属的,辅助的




The term "rare earth" is in fact a_ , for paradoxically, the rare_earth elements are in actuality , being present in low concentration in virtually all minerals.

  (A) truism ... essential

  (B) misnomer ... ubiquitous

  (C) disclaimer ... ephemeral

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