解析库 > 绝密机经模考四




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Which of the following historical documents, if they existed, would most strengthen the author's characterization of Revolutionary constitutionalism?
  • APlacards from 1791 urging people to ratify the Bill of Rights because it explicitly mentions all rights deserving wights constitutional protection
  • BPersonal letters of a framer of the Bill of Rights complaining bout his colleagues' failure to reach consensus about which rights to protect and how to protect them
  • CMinutes of a meeting during which the precise wording of a right was worked out in order to ensure that the right had a single meaning
  • DThe diary of a framer of the Bill of Rights that details a discussion concerning why one particular clause should be included in the Bill of Rights
  • ENewspaper editorials asserting that the framers of the Bill of Rights failed to develop creative or innovative ideas about rights


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